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Project Update November 2015
Work on North Union Street is essentially finished for 2015. The contractor is expected to install the new streetlights when they are delivered in December or January.
How To Navigate a Roundabout
How do I navigate a roundabout? This video will help residents understand the best ways to drive, walk and bike through roundabouts.
Design Elements
Design Elements for the North Union Complete Street Transformation Project.
Complete Streets and Walkable Communities - On Trend Now
Sept 8, 2013
Short videos demonstrate the timeliness of the North Union Street Restoration. Planners and developers nationwide are racing to implement Complete Streets because that's what drives property value and community vibrancy.
A Return to Traditional Town Planning
Sept 8, 2013
These short videos explain the elements of town planning that aim to restore the value of villages and cities while providing more housing and transportation choices.
The Payback Calculation for Traffic Calming
Sept 8, 2013
Finally, a readable, understandable explanation how to calculate whether traffic calming will save taxpayers money. Also: A case study of traffic calming that business owners liked.
Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon (RRFB)
The North Union Complete Street Transformation project includes four Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons that enhance safety at unsignalized intersections and mid-block pedestrian crossings by increasing driver awareness of potential pedestrian conflicts.
Project Update 11-14-16
A final project update for the week of November 14, 2016, detailing the work taking place along North Union Street as part of the North Union Complete Street Transformation Project.
Landscaping North Union Street
The plantings along North Union Street are comprised of four different types of trees, eight types of shrubs, five grasses and 11 perennials.
Pedestrians and Roundabouts: A How-To Guide
Since roundabouts are new for our community, they bring some changes in how pedestrians must approach walking the streets of downtown Olean. Learn some tips for pedestrians entering a roundabout.
Parking Map
Support your local businesses and take advantage of the numerous parking options in downtown Olean.
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