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Rain Gardens Take Shape As Part of the Walkable Olean Project
While major construction is underway along the south section of North Union Street, a project equally important has commenced on the north section of North Union Street – specifically the planning and planting of rain gardens (or biorentention basins) in the bump-outs.
Construction Guide 2016
The North Union Complete Street Transformation Project is getting ready to start again. To prepare the community for the coming months and understand how the construction process will work – we’ve provided a construction guide.
Project Update November 2015
Work on North Union Street is essentially finished for 2015. The contractor is expected to install the new streetlights when they are delivered in December or January.
Roundabout Video
To learn more about navigating a roundabout, please view our video.
City Announcement
City Announces Change to Traffic Control on North First and Wayne Streets.
Project Update
The North Union Street schedule is taking shape and the final design will be completed in late June.
Traffic Control
The suggested schedule for construction includes starting with the railroad crossing, converting it to one-lane in each direction.
Walkable Olean Fact Sheet
The Walkable Olean Project will rebuild our crumbling water lines, sewer lines, and lighting infrastructure, as well as restore downtown North Union with traffic safety improvements and beautification investments. This is an $8.8 million project, funded with a $6.5 million federal grant (TIGER grant), $1.2 million City capital funds, and $1.1 million State/private funds.
Olean's Winning TIGER
Read the complete TIGER application here -- including the Benefit Cost Analysis that justified Olean's amazing award.
Focus Group Summary: Something Must Be Done
January 30, 2013
Our design consultants met with Transportation Experts, Business Owners and General Users of North Union Street in mid-January. All agreed that something must be done.
Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon (RRFB)
The North Union Complete Street Transformation project includes four Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons that enhance safety at unsignalized intersections and mid-block pedestrian crossings by increasing driver awareness of potential pedestrian conflicts.
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